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  A Poem Analysis: Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS


As you read the poem

"Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter” by Robert Frost

focus specifically on the following points:


1.     Give a brief biography sketch of the author of the poem.

2.     Formulate the theme (supporting themes), plot of the poem.

3.     Comment on the title of the poem.

4.     Specify the general slant of the verse. Trace the main changes in it throughout the poem.

5.     Define the basic sense images in the verse. What emotions might they trigger in readers?

6.     Identify the symbols in the poem. Consider their meanings.

7.     Specify the functions of the instrumentation in the poem. Consider the cases of alliteration and assonance.

8.     Analyze the functions of the figures of speech found in the verse. Define the figures of speech in the following word combinations and phrases and explain their meanings:

-         crystal chill;

-         the breath of air had died of cold;

-         a brush had left a crooked stroke;

-         a piercing little star;

-         etc. (your own samples).

9.     State your attitude to the poem.

10. An Optional Task: make an attempt to translate the poem "Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter".  


Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter

by Robert Frost



The west was getting out of gold,

The breath of air had died of cold,

When shoeing home across the white,

I thought I saw a bird alight.


In summer when I passed the place

I had to stop and lift my face;

A bird with an angelic gift

Was singing in it sweet and swift.


No bird was singing in it now.

A single leaf was on a bough,

And that was all there was to see

In going twice around the tree.


From my advantage on a hill

I judged that such a crystal chill

Was only adding frost to snow

As gilt to gold that wouldn’t show.


A brush had left a crooked stroke

Of what was either cloud or smoke

From north to south across the blue;

A piercing little star was through.


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