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  Great Britain Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS

Maryna Pryimak
Great Britain

    British leadership slogan can be defined as "Be helpful, but don’t forget to stay competitive”.
    A Leadership style in Britain might be defined as casual: UK leaders are diplomatic and reasonable. They appreciate punctuality and responsibility. You can find in them such characteristics as helpfulness and encouragement. Nevertheless, an individual competition takes place. The rules of business world of Great Britain prepare their leaders to be successful enough, because of being a good business person means to be a prosperous leader. Discipline and strong will are needed. Moreover, you have to be ready to sacrifice what you have now, to achieve something you have never had, but greatly desire.
    Team working is appreciated in British leadership atmosphere. Such things as carelessness of other people's minds and uncontrolled pride can become the firs cause of your damaged reputation as a good leader, or even drop you out of this position. So, it is important to take into account what other members of your team think about this or that situation (team-playing!).
    Patience is an awesome helper in such serious positions as leaders and chiefs of the departments, and in doing business in general. Sometimes, it’s better to wait a little bit, than to make unconscious steps. Patience is also needed in dealing with workers. It can happen that your act of waiting and still encouraging someone of your team can produce a greater result, that in such a case you rush this person. Especially, English leaders pay attention to this fact, because their process of working and decision-making is much slower then it is in America, or Europe mostly. Furthermore, good decisions make in company where understanding and fairness within a company and workers, a leader and his subordinates.
    It is impossible to make people do what you want them to do, even if they have no desire and motivation, and wait for a success. You need to be an easy-going motivator, who is willing to socialize with a team, gather and share ideas, honor those who are worthy, because of doing good, and put your trust in those who are doing bad, if you see they are trying. Compromises take place in a leadership of England, and this is what helps people to be more reliable and kind of open. But open is just in the meaning "possible for quite reserved British". After all, I want to emphasize, that it’s important to remember that you are not just a machine to set and achieve different types of goals, but you are, first of all, a human being and you need to behave right, even when everything in the planning goes wrong.

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