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  British Businessmen Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS

Maryna Pryimak

It is believed, that the British really appreciate individual competitions; however, they are very good at a team work. And a great role of their successfulness belongs to the main characteristics of the British as business people.
1. Helpfulness.  They are open to help their team members in different situations, even though, it is not their work. They know that everything that happens in an organization and all things related with the company’s projects represent their work in some way.
2. Responsibility. It is definitely one of the most important characteristic, which helps to achieve a desirable goal for team workers as well as for the whole organization.
3. The British are also reasonable and diplomatic. Because of these features, they are well known as great competitors. They are driven only by getting what they want. They don’t pay much attention to personal relations or friendship. Facts are needed to make them interesting in you as a partner or to build any kind of business relations with them.
4. Rational. A decision-making process is much slower than in any other country. They need time to think over everything they have heard or seen, to choose the right and winning position for their company in a market field of business.
5. Punctuality. It is what makes people more like you. Nobody likes to wait for. Even though, it’s okay in your country to be five or fifteen minutes late, it is better if you come on time. Punctuality shows your enthusiasm and respect to the person you meet with. So, the British will never make you wait.
Also, I would like to notice, that British team workers and business people in general are very goal-oriented. The most ponderable motivator for them is to be the first, to win, to fulfill their objectives, to achieve a success in every competition they take place.


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