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Finland                                            Alexandra Glavatskaya

The slogan is: Independence in a position of strong neutrality.

    Aspects of leadership: a) leading people, b) capacity to cooperate, c) creation of a holistic vision, d) goal-oriented business, e) delegation, f) successful motivation and managing of people.

    A good business leader should aim to: goal-orientation, mastering of a complex entity, motivation, visionary, be charismatic, diligent, experienced, able to make decisions, capacity to cooperate, capacity to communicate, controlling, delegating.

    Finland was historically affected by Russia and Sweden, but it holds its cultural independence. I thank that in any case finnish people will strongly hold their cultural, business and social position in a way of quick reaction to global changes. The following leaders are the example of this strategy:

    Carl Gustaf Mannerheim – flexible, adaptable, diplomatic and political realist. After World War II was able to refocus himself to see new opportunities and had the capacity and flexibility to make others to see things this way.
    Juho Kusti Paasikivi – during WW II he was involved in political negotiations between the Soviet Union and Finland. In 1944 was elected as Prime Minister of Finland. He understood that politics are the art of the possible and that recognition of the facts in the beginning of all wisdom. Finland was powerless to confront the military superiority of Soviet Union, for a long time the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance signed in 1948 was one of the cornestones of finnish foreign policy, Paasikivi was one of the chief of that agreement.
    Urho Kaleva Kekkonen – was elected as president on march 1, 1956. He and others took the initiative of declaring the Nordic countries a nuclear weapon-free zone. He used his power and possibilities to influence very actively – controlling composition of governments and the appointments of high officials. He also intervened in labor disputes, sent letters to other politicians and important people in order to influence their decisions and opinions.

    A good finnish leader is also required to be visionary, i.e. to have foresight, be intellectually stimulating and plan ahead. Visionary leadership does not resert to orders of coercion. The more subordinates are aware of the vision, the less external supervision is needed. Visions generate creativity, motivation and efficiency.

    In summary, it is worth nothing that integrity, inspiration, successful team orientation, and vision are all features that apply to good leaders universally.


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