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  French Businessmen Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS

Anastasiya Cherevko
French Business People
 Qualities How to use these qualities in a team-building
 Flexible Time
 You may arrange a meeting at any appropriate time of the day, and they will not refuse to come. They will be only 15 minutes later.

 Direct They will not hide their opinion from the others. They will react right away and will let everybody know what they think about it.

 Use logic reasoning They apply logic reasoning to almost everything what they do. Therefore, it will be nice for the French to explain to everybody why they do this or that.

 Communicative They will talk to people as soon as they get to know them. It is not a problem for a French person to discuss any question or problem.

 Fashionable/Stylish They will be good representatives of your team in terms of the appearance. They are stylish in everything what they do.

 Polite They will try not hurt someone’s feelings; will try to listen to people’s opinions. However, they will react immediately and will tell the truth - what they think.

 Peaceful Frenchmen are peaceful and will not make "much ado about nothing”, they do not like conflicts and will be the first one to resolve them.

 Half-strength The French measure their abilities and have the limits. It seems like they do everything half-strength. They do not exhaust themselves in this way, and can do next day everything they have not done today - when they have clear and fresh mind.

 Patriotic They will be devoted to the team hopefully as they are devoted to their country.

 Friendly In schools they are taught to be not only patriotic, but be friendly to other nationalities and people.


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