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  Grammar Revision 1 Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS

Fill in the blanks with articles if it’s necessary:

(After Oscar Wild)

1…Hans had 2… great many friends, but 3… most devoted friend of all was 4… big Hugh, 5… miller. Indeed, so devoted was 6… rich miller to 7… little Hans that he never went by his garden without leaning over 8… wall and plucking 9… large nosegay, or filling his pocket with 10… plums and 11… cherries if it was 12… fruit season.
    "13… real friends should have everything in common,” 14…miller used to say.  15… neighbours, indeed, thought it strange that 16… rich miller never gave 17… little Hans anything  in return though he had 18… hundred sacks of 19… flour stored away in 20… mill, and six cows, and 21… large flock of 22… sheep.
    In 23… spring, 24… summer, and 25… autumn Hans was very  happy, but when 26… winter came, he suffered 27… good deal from 28… cold and 29… hunger and often had to go to 30… bed without 31… supper. "There is no good in my going to see 32… little Hans now,” 33… miller used to say to his wife,  "for  when 34… people are in 35… trouble they should not be bothered by 36… visitors. I shall pay him 37… visit in spring, and he will be able to give me 38… large  basket of flowers, and that will make him so happy.”
    "You are very thoughtful about 39… others,” answered his wife. "It is 40… pleasure to hear you talk about 41… friendship. I am sure 42… clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things, though he does live in 43… three-storied house and wears 44… gold ring on his little finger.”
    "But could we not ask little Hans up here?” said 45… miller’s youngest son.
    "What 46… silly boy you are!” cried 47… miller. "I really don’t know what is 48… use of sending you to 49… school. You do not seem to learn anything. Why, if 50… little Hans came here, he might get envious, and 51… envy is 52… most terrible thing. Besides, if he came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on 53… credit, and that I could not do. 54… flour is one thing, and 55… friendship is another. 56… words are spelt differently and mean quite different things.”
    "How well you talk,” said 57… miller’s wife, pouring herself out 58… large glass of warm ale. "It is just like being in 59… church.”

Translate into English:
ночью, утром, слева, играть на пианино, проводить время, говорить правду, с утра до вечера, быть в затруднении, хорошо провести время, быть простуженным, сесть, за работой, при заходе солнца, с первого взгляда, на борту судна, на палубе, Тихий океан, пустыня Сахара, Украина, Альпы, в Крыму.


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