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Bodak Ivanna (2610)

My country is the USA

1. A Representative’s Introduction
Our leadership slogan is "Making money”

Session 2. Today’s Leadership of the Country: an Expert Analysis
   In a land with no traditions of aristocracy, money is seen as the yardstick of progress and very few Americans distance themselves from the pursuit of wealth. Intellectuality and refinement as qualities of leadership are prized less in the USA than in Europe. In the USA, Leadership means getting things done, improving the standard of living, finding short cuts to prosperity, making money for oneself, one’s firm and its shareholders.
    Motivation of American managers and their staff does not have the labyrinthine connotations that it does in European and Oriental companies, for it is usually monetary. Bonuses, performance payments, profit-sharing schemes, and stock options are common. New staff are often motivated by the very challenge of getting ahead. Problem-solving, the thrill of competition and the chance to demonstrate resolute action satisfy the aspirations of many young Americans. Unlike Europeans and Orientals, however, they need constant feedback, encouragement and praise from the senior executive.
    Business is based on punctuality, solid figures, proven techniques, pragmatic reasoning and technical competence. Time is money and Americans show impatience during meetings if Europeans get bogged down in details or when Orientals demur in showing their hand.

Session 3. Intercultural Business Leadership Framework:  a Conceptual Model of the Country

    It will be quite interesting to see in the coming years how the intercultural leadership is affected by the strong emergence of countries such as China, Japan, Canada . Even though cross-cultural thinking has been part of the corporate world for quite some time it will most likely be even more important to strengthen the existing relations with Canada. We will cooperate in transport, aviation, agriculture, tourism, health care, information and education sectors.

Session 4. The Most Prominent Business Leaders in the USA    

    In a business world, a series of individuals have also demonstrated outstanding abilities and success in leadership – Ford, Rockefeller, Berlusconi, Barnevik, Gyllenhammer are some of them.
   Others, equally renowned and powerful but less despotic were Washington, Bismarck, Churchill ruled and acted with the acquiescence of their fellow statesmen.

Session 5. Discussion-session
    All to often I hear stories of business leadership where a leader  burns out after some years in that position. This usually arises from stress of different sorts. From my point of view, everybody have to understand that to be business leader is difficult-sort of business. It includes: taking a lot of risks, huge responsibility, problems-solving, deal with different types people, etc. Therefore not everybody is suitable for such a position as leadership position. So in few years, no body is out of risk to burn out.

Closing Session

    First of all, I want to stress that America is very developed country with a democratic way of life. I liked equality that reigns there between all the classes of the society, blacks and whites, women and men. So, if you have certain knowledge, ambitions, could take risks and responsibilities. The USA is open for you!


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